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This Strategy Has Produced Over 200,000 Leads


Bad leads, no leads, leads are all over the place, coming in, not coming in, all over the place. Or the ads you're running are just not working well. In this video, we're going to solve that. I'm going to show you a framework that has produced well over 200,000 leads and still works like clockwork every day for us and our clients. So make sure you stay tuned right to the end because I'm going to show you not only how to collect leads but also how to get clients throughout the entire customer journey in the right way. This goes beyond just a couple of follow-up emails or whatever else you might have in mind.

Let's get into it. The first thing, the biggest mistake I see people make, is that they go to YouTube Academy or Mr. Google, and they just pop in and go, "How to create an ad." That's not where you should start. You should never start with the ad platform, whether you're using Facebook, TikTok, Instagram—it doesn't matter. You need to make sure that you actually have a strategy first and foremost.

And that's what this video is about. This video is not about how to create a Facebook ad or an ad account—that's pretty simple, there are a million videos on that. In this video, I want to actually show you what you put into the ad itself and the missing components to make sure that when you launch, within 24 hours, you're already getting leads coming in every day as many as you want, torrentially ongoing, and actually have a really predictable system that brings not just leads but the right type of leads that you want.

So, let's get into it, number one. The first thing you want to understand is what do you do, what problem do you solve, and who's your ideal client profile? Start with that in mind first. It's so much easier to get a piece of paper and just kind of go through and think about who's your ideal client. If you look back in your business, I'm sure you've got dream clients—there's probably some clients that maybe you don't want to work with as much. Well, go through those dream clients and see what they have in common, whether it's age, their pain points, their situation. Just go through and understand that first of all.

Then think about what your service solves for them. How does it help them achieve an unfulfilled desire or get away from a pain point, which is what they ultimately want? This brings me to the next step, which is your HBO—your high value offer. Think of it this way: this is where a lot of people get it wrong when it comes to marketing. If I were single and wanted to get married, and I'm a good guy with good values, I can't just walk into a bar and say to strangers, "Hi, are you single? I'm looking for a wife." It's just too forward; there are steps to relationship building.

Marketing is no different. I see too many people come in with ads that talk about their service and book a call, really heavy out of the gate, and it doesn't work well. It does work, I mean, let's face it, even a broken clock is right twice a day, but your lead cost and quality might be through the roof, and commercially it might not be viable when looking at your profit and loss.

So, for that reason, I want to show you a way that gets in a lot of leads. It starts a conversation because, don't forget, an ad is really just 20% of the customer journey. It's the awareness stage where you get their interest, then you need to have a relationship-building process, a filtering process, a qualification process, and then, of course, you've got a sales process. In this video, we're going to focus on the front end—how do you get really good leads coming in that actually make sense within your financial parameters and to the level that you want to set it as, whether you want to double, triple, or quadruple your business.

You need to understand, first, get a piece of paper. Maybe even go back to some of your clients and ask why they used your service; you might be surprised. What are their pain points? What are their dreams? What keeps them up at night? From there, craft a solution, and that solution is also known as a lead generation magnet.

What's a lead generation magnet? Well, it's just a piece of information that's not about your service, not about you, not what you offer. I'll get into that in a second. The lead magnet could be a free report, a checklist, a video—could be what they call a VSL, like a video sales letter. Whatever information you give someone that has a pain point or an unfulfilled desire, that piece of information should be in their interest, for their dream outcome, to get them a step closer. We'll get into that a little bit more, but just bear that in mind.

And another thing you want to be selling is the destination, not the plane flight. This is where so many people get it wrong. What I see most people do is, imagine this: your service is a plane that takes people to their destination—let's say Hawaii, or somewhere for their dream outcome. Most people in the ad talk about their service, what they can do, so essentially, they're advertising the plane flight and not the destination. Let's be real, nobody wakes up in the morning, excitedly runs down the stairs to their spouse, and goes, "Let's jump on a plane, let's spend 24 hours on a plane." More likely, you're excited about the end result, the dream outcome. This is what you want to focus on in your ad. Your service comes later, so don't focus on that. We'll go through that now.

So, you want to focus on your ideal client profile and your high-value offer; that's what goes together. Work out what their pain points are, what their dream is, and then create some information around that. It can be a free report, a video training, a webinar, or a checklist—more commonly, and the easiest one is just like a free report. Make sure if you create a report, please only keep it to less than 10 pages. Nobody wants to download a free report that's 500 pages long. You know what happens? It gets parked for later and doesn't get consumed. You want it to be short, sharp, and to address a pain point or an unfulfilled desire, and ideally, your free report should lead them a step closer to their dream outcome.

That's what the information should be. So whether you're a coach, a consultant, a professional service provider, you want to give something of high value in that report where, when they read it, ideally, they have an 'aha' moment. Your ideal client profile, right? That your ideal avatar, they should have a bit of an 'aha' and go, "That was really useful." As a byproduct, it instantly positions you more as the expert in their mind, and there's your no-like-trust factor coming into play.

So, don't tell people how good you are; show people how good you are by showing them through teaching them something. It will position you as the expert without having to beat your chest and say, "I'm so good, I'm an expert." It doesn't land right.

So that's really, really important. So we want to make sure we've got your ideal client profile, and we've got your solution, and that becomes your lead generation magnet. Here's a simple framework on how to title your free report: if you don't know what to do, start with this one: "How to [achieve a desire] without [experiencing a pain point]."

Give you an example: "How to lose 10 pounds without dieting." That's a dream outcome. "How to slash seven years off your mortgage without making extra repayments or having to get a second job." That's a simple framework that you can use to create a compelling title for your report.

Then from there, I've got here activation points—a success journey. What does it look like for someone to go from where they are to their unfulfilled desire, and what are the points in between? As an example, if I were a builder building a house for you, I could say the activation points are putting the slab down, then the frame goes up, then the roof goes on. These are tangible activation points that your customer knows they're on their path to success.

And then lastly, fulfillment—that's you. How do you take them from point A to point B? Do you do that by doing it for them, or do you do that by coaching them? Whatever it is, this is now your service coming into play. So, a good lead generation magnet should have how to achieve a desire without experiencing a pain point, have some teaching points, or activation points on how to get there so they know and make sure that you're not just telling them how you go from point A to point B with your service because then you're back to just beating your chest and telling people how good your service is.

Give them something tangible that they likely don't know right that really moves the needle for them. So when they're reading this free report, they go, "I've just learned something." That's what you ideally want. Otherwise, it's just a brochure of your service, and it doesn't land as well as you teaching them something within the report that gives them an 'aha' moment. This is crucial in positioning you as the expert.

Give them something that makes you uncomfortable. Right, give them the "what" but maybe not the "how." But give them something where you're like, "Oh, I don't want that's my secret sauce." Well, nobody knows your secret sauce if you never tell them. Well, you might go, "I'll only tell them the secret sauce when they become a client." Well, that's great, but if nobody ever knows what's behind the curtain, they're never going to choose in the first place. So, give them the secret sauce upfront, and then you can deliver on that, or maybe do it for them right now.

And then, of course, lastly, is the Fulfillment. That's how you want to create a really good lead magnet, a really good free report of high value. So, the best ad you can have is a combination of the lead generation magnet and the ad. Here's the thing: the ad that you create is about the problem here's the problem that you're facing, either a pain point you have or here's the problem that you're facing wanting to get to your unfulfilled desire or goal. And here's the solution for you about that, which is a free report. That's how those two work together.

Right, so you want to have the "how to" without now in your ad as well. You can even use what I've got here, the Pao framework, to make sure it moves them across because from there it moves them to the lead magnet. What does the Pao framework stand for? It's very simple for you to create an ad.

P stands for Problem - call out the problem. Are you struggling with losing weight? Call out your avatar if you're a business owner XYZ that's struggling with XYZ—it's calling out the problem, it gets their attention.

A stands for Agitate - have you tried every diet under the sun? Have you put on more weight? You want to twist the knife. This is a call out to what you already know about your avatar which is why it's so important, as I mentioned earlier, about understanding your ideal client profile to really know what they've tried, what they're frustrated with, so you can call that out with the agitation.

S is for Story - share a story about one of your clients that will resonate with your ideal client profile so they can see themselves in it. So you've got a problem, you're calling that out, you're agitating it, and then S for story might go, "Meet Lisa, meet John," and then tell a little bit about what happened for them without giving away the solution.

E stands for Empathy - something like, "If you've tried this, it's not your fault, you're not alone. Many people have faced the same situation."

O is for Offer - it all starts with the first step. Many of my clients have faced a similar situation, and the first step for them was to download this free report: "How to [achieve a desire] without [experiencing a pain point]." That's how you create a really strong campaign in terms of the creative.

You want to use some really good pictures that stop the scroll. I'll show you some examples in a moment.

So putting it all together, you've got your ideal client profile with your high-value offer that creates your lead generation magnet. Then your ad plus your lead generation magnet is going to create for you endless leads. I see this every time we work with a client, we launch a campaign, and we just have a flood of new leads coming in, right? And the right type of leads, because you got the ad right, you're calling out the right avatar, you're speaking to the right avatar.

Then from there, you've obviously got your digital ad set up and you've got to track everything. More about that in a moment.

So creating a free report can be like, "How to Transform a Dated Kitchen or Bathroom at a Third of the Price and in Just 10 Days." Or "How to Have an Extra $800 to $1,800 Cash per Month and Shave Up to 12 Years off a Home Loan," or "How to Have a Confident Smile and a Healthy Mouth with Long Lasting Teeth in a Single Transformational Dental Visit." You get the idea.

And here's some ads, right? "How Aussies are Retiring Early on $1,000 Plus per Week," or "How to Get Nine New Mortgage Clients Inside Just Four Days," or "How to Get 20 New Clients a Month in Five Easy Steps." These are all ads and if you were to click the 'see more' button, there's more in there about that Pao framework to make sure it moves them across.

Because from there, it moves them to the lead magnet. Makes sense, right? This is super, super important that you understand all that.

Now, if all this made sense and you're thinking, 'Great, now I understand the components I need to create a really good ad campaign,' that's just one piece of the puzzle. Because now you're thinking, okay, I've got leads, but leads are not clients. There's an entire customer journey and for that, I've got another free video. Just click on the link that you see coming up here, and you'll see I've put another training together. It shows you the entire customer journey and all the parts that you need internally in your business to make sure that you've got good engagement, you've got good bookings, qualifications, and you end up autopilot with qualified appointments on your calendar so you can have a meaningful conversation.

I'll see you inside the next video.


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