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How To Change Your Life In 3 Months (My 3 Step Process)

 Feeling Stuck in Life?

If you find yourself stuck in life, constantly battling low energy and procrastination, feeling like you're trapped in a never-ending loop, this video is for you. I'll share why you might be consistently doing one of two things that keep you in this failure loop. I guarantee that 99% of you who are not progressing are doing one thing but not the other. In this video, I'll give you a three-step process to boost your energy, increase your motivation, break free from procrastination, and achieve more in the next three months than others do in a year or more, all while enjoying the process.

Understanding the Failure Loop

We'll explore why you're stuck in what I call a failure loop, which involves both psychology and biology, and I'll show you how to change that. Goal setting is great, but it often leads to failure because of a specific missing piece. We'll discuss what that is. You might also be letting your feelings get in the way. Many people operate on the principle of doing whatever they feel like, which is a dream-killer because it relies on fleeting motivation. Mike Tyson said it well: "You have to train your mind to be greater than your feelings." I'll provide tips and hacks to help you manage this productively.

The Psychology of Change

We'll also cover the psychology of change. There are five stages of change, and I'll bet you're stuck in the first three. Awareness of what's happening in your life is crucial. I went through a period where I was always tired despite exercising and eating well, stuck on the couch in Netflix land. We'll discuss issues related to flow state, peak performance, low motivation, and procrastination.

Procrastination: You Are Not Lazy

About procrastination: you're not lazy. I used to think I was lazy, beating myself up, but I realized procrastination is just a form of stress relief. When we're overwhelmed and don't know where to start, it seems painful to do anything. We'll go through all of this.

Five Stages of Change

The first thing we'll discuss is the five stages of change and why you might be stuck. The emotional cycle of change is why most people fail. Stage one is uninformed optimism, where a new opportunity excites you because you don't yet know what's involved. Then you move to stage two, informed pessimism, where the initial excitement wanes as you realize the challenges. Stage three, the valley of despair, is when intrusive thoughts make you doubt your path, and you might abandon it for a new opportunity, repeating the cycle.

Pushing Through the Valley of Despair

Getting past the valley of despair requires pushing through negative thoughts and emotions. If you're on the right path, you need to stay the course. After a while, you enter stage four, informed optimism, where things get easier as you build neural pathways. Finally, you reach stage five, success and fulfillment, where your actions become automatic.

Creating Action-Based Goals

Most people set a goal but fail to create action-based goals. For instance, setting a weight loss goal of losing 10 pounds in 10 weeks without actionable steps is setting yourself up for failure. You need action-based results: specific daily or weekly actions that lead to your goal. This prevents procrastination and keeps you motivated.

Effective Goal Setting

Parkinson's Law states that work expands to fill the time available. Setting a 90-day goal is more effective than a yearly goal because it creates internal pressure to act. Your goal should be exciting but achievable, and you should regularly reassess your progress. Visualization is crucial. Visualize not just the end goal but also the daily actions required.

Hacking Your Brain

To hack your brain, use the 5-minute rule: commit to working on a task for just five minutes. Often, this small start helps you overcome resistance and get into a flow state. Celebrate small wins and build momentum gradually.

Managing Your Energy

Energy management is vital. Eat for flow, not comfort. I fast until lunchtime and avoid carbohydrates during the day, which keeps me sharp. Drink plenty of water and prioritize sleep. Plan your morning the night before and start with the easiest tasks to build momentum.

Working in Sprints

Work in 20-minute sprints with breaks in between to maintain energy and focus. By implementing these strategies, you'll find yourself more productive and motivated.


I hope you find these tips helpful and that they enable you to set effective goals, create actionable plans, and manage your energy for optimal performance. I'll see you in the next video.


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